REACCIÓN: Support for Human Rights Defenders: Gender Equality and Inclusive Development (GEID) Analysis
IDP supported the Institute of International Education, Inc. (IIE) and the Support for Human Rights Defenders Activity by creating a Gender Equality and Inclusive Development (GEID) Analysis that helped identify and understand the gender gaps, gender-based violence (GBV), and other social inclusion issues that could hinder the implementation of the Support for Human Rights Defenders Activity. In addition, it highlighted opportunities to empower women and girls and other marginalized and vulnerable populations within the program. The GEID provided an overview of the threats facing human rights actors in the four project countries and highlighted disparities marginalized groups face across the various GEID domains. These domains include 1) legal rights and status; 2) knowledge, beliefs, and perceptions; 3) access; 4) time and space; and 5) power and decision-making. IDP hired four in-country staff to conduct interviews with participants for the study. There was a total of 23 participants from various groups including persons with disabilities, individuals identifying as LGBTQI+, individuals from indigenous groups, returned migrants, people living in exile, and NGOS. The findings of this GEID informed a series of recommendations that the Support for Human Rights Defenders Activity will use to ensure the inclusion of all marginalized groups.

Project Highlights
- GEID Analysis Report on Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and El Salvador.
- Comparative analysis on the following vulnerable populations: Learners with disabilities, women and girls, indigenous populations, LGBTQI+ community members, and human right defenders.
- Support with analyzing legal rights and status in countries within study.