IDP Africa (Kenya)

To support our commitment to and belief in localization, IDP established an office in Kenya in 2024. Our diverse staff leads IDP’s work in Kenya and contributes their technical expertise and lived experience across IDP’s project portfolio. IDP has worked with donors such as the U.S. International Agency for International Development (USAID), the World Bank, UNICEF, and The LEGO Foundation. IDP also has worked with partner organizations such as the Education Commission, the University of Notre Dame’s Pulte Institute for Global Development, and others. Projects in Kenya have addressed issues such as the use of Universal Design for Learning in teaching receptive and expressive language skills, deaf education, researching the impact of childcare on the employment of parents of children with disabilities, and the use of playful pedagogies in education. Learn more about our projects in Kenya:

Three horizontal equal bands of black (top), red, and green. Two very narrow bands of white edge the red band in the middle. An image of a Maasai warrior's shield covering crossed spears is superimposed at the center.