IDP at the Comparative & International Education Society 2023 Conference

Image credit: Comparative & International Education Society.
Inclusive Development Partners is participating in six panel sessions at the Comparative & International Education Society 2023 Conference! If you’re coming to Washington, DC, later this month, please come to our sessions!
Wednesday, February 15
Screening children for disabilities: a review of tools, evidence, and implementation practices.
From 7:45 to 9:15 am EST, On-Line CIES Zoom Room 115.
Panelists include Leah Maxson, USAID; Sanju Nepali, Humanity and Inclusion; Valerie Karr, Ph.D., IDP; Anne Laesecke and Aimee Reeves, School to School; Julia de Kadt, Sightsavers.
Better data on children with disabilities will help make better policy decisions for supporting them. Screening practices play a crucial role in creating systems that support all learners.
Visit the CIES 2023 website for more detail on the Screening Children for Disabilities panel.
Sunday, February 19
Adaptation and Modification of Early Grade Reading Assessments for Learners with Disabilities: Lessons from the Multi-Country Study on Inclusive Education (MCSIE) in Cambodia, Nepal, and Malawi
From 4:45 to 6:15 pm, Independence Level (5B), Independence C.
Panelists include Valerie Karr, Ph.D. Co-Founder and President of Inclusive Development Partners (IDP); Jennifer Ryan, RTI International; Emily Kochetkova, Consultant, IDP; Fernando Rubio, Juárez & Associates (J&A), with IDP consultant Christopher Johnstone, Ph.D., as Discussant.
Teachers today are better trained in teaching learners with disabilities. But if learners with disabilities are excluded from assessment practices, then teachers and school administrators can’t measure their progress in school and can’t make good decisions for their academic future.
Visit the CIES 2023 website for more detail on the Adaptation and Modification of EGRAs session.
Monday, February 20
Equity in assessments: How to design appropriate learning assessments to ensure greater inclusion of children with disabilities
From 2:45 to 4:15 pm EST, Declaration Level (1B), Penn Quarter B.
Panelists include: Michelle Oetman, All Children Reading: A Grand Challenge for Development; Josh Josa, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID); Michelle Hartman, World Vision; Aimee Reeves, Girls Education Challenge; Ashley Doria, Voluntary Service Overseas; Anne M Hayes, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Inclusive Development Partners.
Learners with disabilities are finding increasingly accessible and better quality education. They deserve for assessments at every level from the individual classroom up to the internaitonal level to be accessible too.
Visit the CIES 2023 website for more detail on the Equity in Assessments session.
Tuesday, February 21
Evidence on making inclusive education work on the ground – key lessons on data, design and implementation
From 2:45 to 4:15 pm EST, Declaration Level (1B), Declaration A.
Panelists include: Archana Mahesh Mehendale, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (Chair); Leah Bitat, World Learning; Betty Wisiki, Juarez and Associates; Guy Le Fanu, Sightsavers; Kate Brolley, Program Manager, and Ashley Stone, Program Coordinator, Inclusive Development Partners.
This panel offers the opportunity to reflect on lessons learned from comparative studies in Africa and Asia on the design and implementation of disability-inclusive interventions and programs. IDP will be presenting on the recently released Review of Disability-Inclusive Education in USAID Asia Education Programming.
Visit the CIES 2023 site for more on the Evidence on making inclusive education work session.
Instructional approaches for learners with disabilities in Cambodia
From 4:45 to 6:15 pm, Declaration Level 1B, Tiber Creek B.
Leah Maxson, from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), is the moderator. Panelists include: Sean Kossal, RTI International; Monika Mak, Cambodia Disabled People’s Organization (CDPO); Mean Vibol Ratanak, CDPO; Hayley Niad, Program Manager and Researcher at IDP.
As part of the USAID-funded Multi-Country Study on Inclusive Education (MCSIE), IDP and CDPO evaluated the All Children Reading Cambodia activity with a focus on inclusive education.
Visit the CIES 2023 site for more on the Instructional Approaches session.
Wednesday, February 22
Starting Early, Starting Strong: Pre-primary Education for All
From 1:30 to 3 pm EST, Constitution Level (3B), Burnham.
Rebecca Martinez from the U.S. Agency for International Development will chair the session with Joanie Cohen-Mitchell as Discussant. Presenters include Kate Schuenke-Lucien, University of Notre Dame; Leah Anyanwu, The LEGO Foundation; Heidi Rosbe, International Refugee Commission (IRC); and Eileen Dombrowski, Program Manager at IDP, presenting on the recently released Disability Inclusive Pre-Primary Landscape Review.
Visit the CIES 2023 website for more detail on the Starting Early, Starting Strong session.
Review Disability-Inclusive Education in USAID Asia Education Programmingo