USAID All Children Reading (ACR) Asia

Donor: USAID • Prime: RTI International • Timeframe: Jan – Nov. 2022

USAID All Children Reading (ACR) Asia Inclusive Education Review

IDP led the examination of inclusive education programming implemented and coordinated by USAID Missions in the Asia region to identify any gaps or potential incentives to improve the education sector’s response to inclusion. Using the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and General Comment No. 4 as a normative framework, the review looked at how USAID/Asia programs address inclusive education as a targeted and stand-alone activity as well as a component within the broader education programming in various countries in the region. The review, which was funded by USAID ACR Asia and implemented by Research Triangle Institute (RTI), took a program-cycle approach (aligned with USAID’s Program Cycle Operational Policy, ADS 201) to assess how USAID education programs integrate learners with disabilities, disaggregated by disability type, throughout the project-cycle phases of funded projects (e.g., activity design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation).

Project Highlights

  • Conducted a thorough desk review, including all general education program materials (reports, key deliverables, etc.), disability-specific activities, and disability-inclusive education programming across all the countries in the USAID Asia region
  • Conducted a web-based open- and closed-ended survey related to key inclusive education themes and practices for USAID missions, including how USAID programs are integrating activities such as teacher training on Universal Design for Learning (UDL), identification practices, inclusive assessments (EGRA and EGMA), and monitoring and evaluation
  • Conducted in-depth studies in Bangladesh, Philippines and Tajikistan, which will explore incentives and disincentives for implementing partners to conduct inclusive education programs, how USAID interventions fit into the government’s broader strategies, and promising practices that can serve as a model for other USAID programming in the region

Project Resources