In Memory of Rud Turnbull: Changing the Course of History for Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Earlier this week, the disability community lost one of its most prominent advocates, Rud Turnbull. Rud passed away peacefully at his home with loved ones by his side.
Rud joined the disability rights movement when he witnessed the lack of educational opportunities and the barriers his son, Jay Turnbull, was experiencing. He spent the rest of his life fighting for those educational rights for Jay and all children with disabilities.
He was the principal draftsman or staff person for the NC Senate and House in revising that state’s disability laws, and he was principal staff for the federal Assistive Technology Act and the family support provisions of the Rehab Act. He was the principal draftsman of the “procedural safeguards” regulations under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). He wrote more than 40 books and published over 300 peer-reviewed articles. I once joked that Rud’s CV—more than 100 pages – was the only CV I knew of that needed a zip drive before it could be sent to others.
Even though he was always writing, teaching, and advocating for inclusive education, he always had time to support and mentor people individually. I am one of the many examples of someone who benefited from his time, guidance, and mentorship. Rud and Ann Turnbull first came into my life when I was a college senior at the University of Kansas, where I was part of a program called Natural Ties. I am lucky that I have had them in my life ever since.
Rud and Ann encouraged me to follow my dream of one day being able to work in the field of international disability rights. They provided me with guidance, advice, and mentorship. They were always there when I needed advice on educational access for my son—constantly educating me by sending me essential and relevant research and even attending my son’s IEP meeting a few times when needed.
When my son was three years old, and it was clear that his delays were more likely a disability, Rud was the first person I called. He told me, “All parents need to be prepared to fight for their children, but parents of children with disabilities need to be even more prepared to fight for their rights.” I have unfortunately found that advice to be entirely accurate as I have had to fight for my son’s rights throughout the years.
Today, disability services within the United States are under attack. Every day, I read more disturbing stories about the dismantling of the Department of Education, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and National Institute of Health (NIH). Inclusive Development Partners’ (IDP) own work, which Rud and Anne Turnbull have always supported, has already been terminated with the illegal shutdown of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The services that I have relied on to support my son and our family are being systematically deconstructed by the current administration with no viable plans to find alternative ways to support the rights of persons with disabilities.
This is the time to build on the legacy that Rud started and ensure his work to protect and promote the education of children with disabilities was not in vain. Disability advocates and families must act now by calling our Senators to demand our rights are not stripped away by billionaire ableists.
May Rud’s memory be a blessing; may the work he so elegantly started serve as the fire we need to stand up for the rights of persons with disabilities everywhere.