Education Systems Strengthening Activity (ESSA) - Liberia
Education Systems Strengthening Activity (ESSA)
The Education Systems Strengthening Activity (ESSA) works to build a more capable education system that functions better at the county and district levels to drive, measure, and incentivize the delivery of quality and inclusive education. ESSA addresses system-wide constraints and increases the MOE’s capacity to provide decentralized and inclusive education, monitor progress, and sustain improved learning outcomes for all children and youth, especially marginalized students in Monteserrado, Margibi, Lofa, Nimba, Bong, and Grand Bassa counties.

The ESSA program will target education officials and professionals at the central, county, district, and school levels by using a locally-led framework and process for solving complex problems called Problem-Driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA). IDP serves as a subcontractor to FHI360 and will support inclusion across project activities, including working closely with the EMIS department in efforts to support better inclusion of learners with disabilities in Ministry databases and working closely with the Inclusive Education department.
Project Highlights
- IDP Senior Consultant Dr. Niraj Poudyal travelled to Monrovia to support the SABER-EMIS workshop in December 2023, presenting to Ministry of Education officials on the importance of including data on learners with disabilities in the education system
- IDP is working closely with the EMIS and Inclusive Education Departments of the MOE to update the Annual School Census tool with better indicators for disability