USAID Early Grade Learning (EGL) - Nepal
Donor: USAID • Prime: Chemonics • Timeframe: October 2023 – December 2028
Building on the contributions of USAID’s Early Grade Reading Program (EGRP I and II) in Nepal, USAID Early Grade Learning will strengthen the skills that create a foundation for sustainable improvement in education quality—management, partnership, learning, and resource mobilization—while also strengthening accountability mechanisms and relationships within Nepal’s education system. It will assist the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology (MOEST) and local governments in meeting 2022/2023-2031/2032 School Education Sector Plan (SESP) objectives. The project will work in all seven provinces and cover 48 districts, including 38 EGRP districts and 10 new districts. The project provides technical assistance at the local, provincial, and federal levels to ensure that relevant education plans and policies lead to improved learning outcomes.

Inclusion is a cross-cutting priority across all USAID Early Grade Learning activities, and Inclusive Development Partners (IDP) will provide guidance and inputs throughout the first two years (2023-2025) of the project to ensure that an inclusive lens is applied across activities and inclusive practices are integrated throughout implementation. As a subcontractor to Chemonics, IDP will also provide training to project staff and other subcontractor partners on disability inclusion and Universal Design for Learning (UDL).
Project Highlights
- Coordinating with MOEST to develop a disability sub-system for the national Education Management Information System.
- Conducting an assessment of resource classrooms to better understand how they are being used in practice and the support they provide.
- Developing training and resource materials on UDL approaches for teachers to promote inclusive instructional practices in early-grade classrooms.
- Supporting capacity building for inclusion among MOEST counterparts.