Improving Inclusive Education through Inclusive Assessment

New Toolkit on Universal Design for Assessment Launches
Inclusive education for marginalized learners begins, but cannot end, with an inclusive curriculum and classroom. To maintain progress, schools need to accurately assess what academic skills their learners have mastered and where they need support. This means that assessment tools, too, need to be inclusive of marginalized learners, including learners with disabilities. Education practitioners, experts, and governments seeking guidance can turn to World Bank Group’s newly launched toolkit, Using Principles of Universal Design for Assessment (UDA) to Design Accessible Learning Assessments – Toolkit. Inclusive Development Partners (IDP) partnered with the World Bank to research and develop the toolkit. The toolkit is meant to be used in low- and middle-income countries.
While this is titled a Toolkit, IDP recognizes that UDA in development contexts is an emerging field of study and views this as an initial resource to contribute to the ongoing conversation within the global community of practice. IDP, along with other practitioners, are currently engaged in UDA efforts in multiple other contexts that will further add to the guidance offered here.
The new toolkit on UDA is available in both PDF and Text formats at